As part of the Year 11 curriculum, students attend the YMCA camp at Lake Dewar Lodge. This camp provides students with opportunities to develop specific studying skills which they can use in their future schooling years. Teachers provide four study skill sessions; an English lesson that prepares students for exams, a study skills/happiness lesson, a relaxation session to help alleviate stress and a future education PowerPoint.
Not only is the camp beneficial for furthering and advancing students schooling prospects, the friendly YMCA crew provide productive activities throughout the 3 day camp. These include a range of large group activities, where everyone works together to develop friendships. Some of the activities are the flying fox, paddle boarding, kayaking, canoeing, mountain bike riding, the stunning scenic gorge walk and the Amazing Race, which focuses on developing teamwork.
The camp is not only about studying and school, each student who participates in the camp gains access to new skills. It is an extraordinary and enjoyable three days, where students have many opportunities to grow and learn together, spend lots of free time with their friends and teachers and most importantly, enjoy the last and definitely best school camp.
By Sarah Chambers & Hannah Fitzgerald